Why is Movember Important for Men’s Health?

Shining a Light on Key Men's Health Issues:

Movember is about more than just facial hair. It’s a beacon that casts light on serious men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and the often-overlooked topic of mental health and suicide prevention.

Breaking the Silence:

It's no secret that many men find it challenging to open up about health concerns or emotional struggles. Movember offers a platform to encourage these conversations, fostering understanding and support.

Uniting for a Cause:

The camaraderie that develops during Movember is palpable. Men globally unite, wearing their moustaches as badges of honour, symbolising their commitment to the well-being of their brethren.

Why Should Your Business Participate in Movember?

Boost Morale:

When your staff sees the management and their peers come together for a cause, it fosters a sense of belonging. It’s an opportunity to bridge the gap between different levels in the corporate hierarchy, with everyone coming together under a shared purpose.

Positive Workplace Culture:

Promoting awareness and actively participating in Movember demonstrates that your company cares about its employees’ well-being. This can help in building trust and strengthening team bonds.

Drive Engagement:

Movember can be a fun, team-building activity. Organise moustache-growing competitions, set up donation drives, or conduct health awareness sessions. These can act as engaging events that break the monotony of the work routine.

Important Conversations:

By taking part, you're indirectly urging your male employees to be vigilant about their health, to get regular check-ups, and to seek support if they're facing emotional or mental distress.

How to Do Movember in Your Workspace

Lead by Example: 

Upper management should consider participating, either by growing facial hair or by visibly supporting the cause. This sets a tone of leadership and involvement.


Organize Fundraising Events: 

Host moustache-growing contests, set up donation stations, or conduct health webinars. The possibilities to raise funds and awareness are endless.


Educate & Communicate: 

Invite health professionals to speak about men’s health issues. Utilize newsletters, emails, and bulletin boards to share facts, statistics, and personal stories related to Movember’s focus areas.


Share the Fun on Social Media: 

Showcase your company’s participation by sharing photos, updates, and events on your business’s social media platforms, using the hashtag #Movember2023.

The issues spotlighted by Movember are pressing and profound. As leaders, it’s our responsibility not only to ensure the welfare and productivity of our workforce but also to be champions of worthy causes.

Embracing Movember at your workplace offers an opportunity to positively impact your employees’ lives while elevating your company’s culture and reputation.

For businesses looking to further their commitment to workplace health, partnering with companies like Employ Health can provide the necessary expertise and support to make meaningful changes.

This Movember, let’s grow more than just moustaches – let’s grow awareness, compassion, and a proactive attitude towards men’s health.